In the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (Russian Arctic) resides more than 2.5 million potential viewers Russian and foreign consumers’ cartoons and animation industry of licensed products. This represents less than 2% of the population and about 40% of the population across the Arctic.
After finishing 19th Open Russian Festival of Animated Film (Suzdal, 19-24 March 2014), which traditionally is a key event for summarizing activities of the animation industry, we made an overview of last year's animation activity in the regions of the Russian Arctic. Also, this material presents you an overview of other events and facts in Russian animation movie, which can be attributed to the arctic and polar category and which are not limited only to 2013 year.
The growing importance of the Arctic in the modern world, and so the increased interest in the Arctic in Russia and abroad, perhaps, lets talk about the need to create a thematic "arctic" trend in Russian animation, as well as talk about the creation and promotion of the arctic animation brands.